Shader Adventures - from small beginnings....
Great, another Shader blog to add to the list...
Yeah, you are right, this will be another shader blog. but hear me out, with all of the shader blogs you read on the internet, and from CG discords, i promise you this one will be different.
Background Info
This little series i call my Shader Adventures, are me mainly bringing the technical artist side of me that has been buried away for a long time, to show people how bad and stupid i am when it comes to linear algebra and shaders in general. there is a reason i decided to become a engine programmer instead of a technical artist.
I mean, have you seen what the technical artists at Naughty Dog are able to?
Its Truly mind-blowing how good the game looks and even more when we get to see the work that goes into making a technical marvel of a game like TLOUP2.
That's what i want to achieve with this series, to not highlight how great this thing looks, its to show how this shader, or technique works, and how i can improve upon it!
Ok, seriously, get to the point...
So to give you the breakdown on why I'm creating this series, is to improve and broaden my knowledge pertaining to shaders, while being open to feedback.
This is also a chance for me to learn new methods, and even creating some for others to use! Unlike other shader blogs, that usually do it on Unity, ill be doing it on a In-House engine we have over here at WD Studios.
Why do that you may ask? well, for starters, it allows me to learn creating shaders with the engine, since it is a bit custom, and allows me to improve on these systems for the benifit of the studio and mainly our artists 😅
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